2 mins read
Statistics Teaching and Learning Corner (StatTLC) blog. I (Laura Le) am an editor on this blog. We put together a series of posts on teaching online in the wake of COVID. It includes information about using collaborative keys online (Online Strategies due to COVID-19, Part 2).
Faculty Focus. This site has great (short) posts about teaching and learning that cause for pause and reflection
Online Learning Journal. The latest issue (Vol. 24, No 1) has an article by a statistics educator, Hollylynne S. Lee
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel.Teaching Remotely. eCOTS Preparing to Teach Workshop 2020. Mine gave a talk summarizing some great resources for teaching online. The slides and video from her talk are linked here. Below are a summary of other resources she mentioned
Tips for teaching tech online, deeply informed by the Carpentries (Elizabeth Wickes) [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)
Teaching R online with RStudio Cloud (Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel) [Webinar] [Blog post]
Teaching online on short notice (Greg Wilson) [Webinar] [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)
Mapping and planning a live coding workshop (The Carpentries) [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)
Jumping into digital: Lessons learned while moving live-coding workshops online [Webinar] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)
Sharing on Short Notice: How to Get Your Materials Online With R Markdown (Alison Hill and Desiree De Lyon) [Webinar] [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)
A pattern language for screencasting (Chen and Rabb, 2009) [DOI] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)
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