
2 mins read

  • Statistics Teaching and Learning Corner (StatTLC) blog. I (Laura Le) am an editor on this blog. We put together a series of posts on teaching online in the wake of COVID. It includes information about using collaborative keys online (Online Strategies due to COVID-19, Part 2).

  • Faculty Focus. This site has great (short) posts about teaching and learning that cause for pause and reflection

  • Online Learning Journal. The latest issue (Vol. 24, No 1) has an article by a statistics educator, Hollylynne S. Lee

  • Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel.Teaching Remotely. eCOTS Preparing to Teach Workshop 2020. Mine gave a talk summarizing some great resources for teaching online. The slides and video from her talk are linked here. Below are a summary of other resources she mentioned

  • Tips for teaching tech online, deeply informed by the Carpentries (Elizabeth Wickes) [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)

  • Teaching R online with RStudio Cloud (Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel) [Webinar] [Blog post]

  • Teaching online on short notice (Greg Wilson) [Webinar] [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)

  • Mapping and planning a live coding workshop (The Carpentries) [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)

  • Jumping into digital: Lessons learned while moving live-coding workshops online [Webinar] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)

  • Sharing on Short Notice: How to Get Your Materials Online With R Markdown (Alison Hill and Desiree De Lyon) [Webinar] [Blog post] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)

  • A pattern language for screencasting (Chen and Rabb, 2009) [DOI] (h/t Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel)

Contributed by: Laura Le and Lucy D'Agostino McGowan

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